Jumat, 15 Desember 2023

Airpower Elements of the Trajectory of the War and the Influence on Contemporary Strategic Competition

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / AO-900 / 5 November 2023

The emergence of aviation technology has been forecasted to establish a novel sphere inside the realm of battle, thus assuming a pivotal role in determining military force, as anticipated by renowned figures such as Giulio Douhet, Hugh Trenchard, and William “Billy” Mitchell.[1] Airpower is first seen as a very susceptible component, but when advancements in time and technology occur, it evolves into a critical element of a nation’s military might. This is mainly attributed to its capacity to infiltrate deep into enemy territory. The evolution of airpower from its inception during World War I through the Vietnam War encompasses a dynamic interplay between continuity and change. This essay will explore the enduring nature of aerial reconnaissance, the evolution of technology in the field, and how these historical elements shape the contemporary employment of airpower in a world marked by complex and dynamic strategic competitions.

Safeguarding Indonesia’s National Security: A Comprehensive Strategy Amidst Rising Challenges from China

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / NS-601E Final Essay / 12 December 2023

        “To form a government of the state of Indonesia which shall protect all the people of Indonesia and all the independence and the land that has been struggled for, and to improve public welfare., participate toward establishing a world order based on freedom, perpetual peace, and social justice.” The Preamble of Indonesia’s Constitution clearly states the objectives and the statutes of the Government and State of Indonesia.[1] The Indonesian government's primary goal is to prioritize Indonesia's sovereignty and prosperity while actively engaging in promoting global peace. The founder of the Indonesian nation formulated noble aspirations, but their realization is not as straightforward as inscribing them on paper; instead, it is fraught with numerous challenges and obstacles since Indonesia is and continues to stand alongside other nations whose ideals and interests are to glorify their peoples. Presently, one of the nations whose behavior is beginning to resemble aggression is China, which is expanding in every sector and poses a potential threat to the nation’s ideals. Consequently, to safeguard Indonesia’s national security, a well-defined strategy is required to counter China’s threats via diplomacy, information, military, and economics and consider cross-theater risk.

Leadership Analysis The Assessment of General Douglas MacArthur

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / MT-601 / 20 September 2023

            General Douglas MacArthur said, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”[1] These words were inspired by his mother’s encouragement to be self-confident and self-reliant and to know that even if you fail, you have tried your best.[2] This attribute was the primary factor contributing to his status as a profoundly influential figure in the American military leader who served in various prominent roles throughout his career. It also laid the foundation for his leadership style during the Second World War and Korea[3]. Studying the leadership style shown by past military figures offers an opportunity to evaluate and establish a superior model that may be a source of inspiration. This approach is often regarded as guiding our behavior should we be entrusted with organizational leadership responsibilities. As we all might know, leadership is the process through which individuals in positions of authority use their influence on others to attain shared objectives collectively.[4] The explanation of this concept entails identifying three interconnected components: ourselves, other individuals, or our subordinates, and the shared objective, which, in this context, refers to the organization.[5] This essay will analyze General Douglas MacArthur’s leadership as a lesson learned for current and future field grade leaders, focusing on his leadership character, power and influence, and leading the organizational changes.

China’s Application of Sun Tzu’s Theoretical Framework in its Pursuit of Hegemony over the South China Sea

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / MT-600 / 15 August 2023

One of Xi Jinping’s primary objectives is to position China as the preeminent global power, aiming to establish it as the most influential nation in the annals of human history.[1] Engaging with the major global powers, particularly the United States, is imperative to accomplish this objective. One of the measures the People’s Republic of China (PRC) used was exerting control over the South China Sea (SCS), an area encompassing territories of nations aligned with the United States; SCS also has strategic waterways with 5,3 trillion dollars in transactions annually.[2] The PRC effectively used a set of techniques derived from Sun Tzu’s renowned treatise “The Art of War” to establish and maintain supremacy in SCS while concurrently limiting the occurrence of direct confrontations by attacking the enemy’s strategy and disrupting alliances.

Sun Tzu’s and Clausewitz’s Strategies Undertaken on Russia’s Operations in Crimea

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / MT-601 / 15 September 2023

According to Sun Tzu’s statement, the pinnacle of expertise is to subjugate the adversary without fighting, to conquer cities without attacking them, and to overturn the opponent’s state without protracted operation.[1] Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 revealed Russian invasion expertise in putting what Sun Tzu has provided into practice. The annexation of Crimea, often described as a “bloodless invasion,” in the absence of any recorded Russian fatalities, it is estimated that there were around six associated deaths.[2] Besides that, Warfighting did not take place in Crimea.[3] Even more intriguing is the rapid pace of the process, which began on February 20 and was essentially completed on March 26, 2014.[4] It executed a geopolitical maneuver that embodied the timeless principles of military strategy and statecraft as articulated by two of history’s most influential military theorists: not only Sun Tzu but also Carls von Clausewitz. This essay will examine Sun Tzu’s theories of opportunism and subduing the enemy will, as well as Clausewitz’s theories of the cunning and the culmination point applied in Russian attempts to annex Crimea.

Sabtu, 09 Desember 2023


Paparan singkat di dalam kelas

 by Mayor Pnb "Dompak" Hutagalung 


      Setiap kegiatan akan lebih baik apabila ada pemanasasnnya. Begitu pula dengan kegiatan belajar-mengajar di Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) di Air University (AU) yang dimiliki oleh U.S. Air Force. Kampus AU berada di kota Montgomery Alabama,  yang berada di negara Amerika bagian selatan. AU memiliki satu dinas yang bernama International Offier School (IOS) yang memiliki tugas mengakomodir seluruh keperluan dari siswa internasional (International Officer/IO) selama mengikuti pendidikan, berupa kelengkapan administrasi, proses masuk-keluar siswa, akomodasi, dan yang tidak kalah penting adalah kursus persiapan (preparatory course). Kursus ini memakan waktu kurang lebih 7 minggu, dimana setiap hari kerja kegiatan belajar berlangsung kurang-lebih dari pukul 8.30 - 15.00 waktu setempat (bisa saja berubah menyesuaikan dinamika kegiatan). ACSC Praparatory Course menerapkan cara pembelajaran yang menarik dan komprehensif, mulai dari bahasa Inggris, pengetahuan umum militer, Sejarah dan budaya US, yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan IO menghadapi kegiatan belajar mengajar di ACSC bersama dengan siswa dari US. Dengan adanya kursus persiapan ini, harapannya IO memiliki bekal awal dan bisa segera menyesuaikan pola pendidikan di ACSC sehingga tidak tertinggal dari rekan-rekan siswa dari US.

Minggu, 12 November 2023


 Mayor Pnb Dolly “Dompak” Hutagalung 

Cara termudah untuk memperkenalkan budaya suatu negara adalah dengan mendatangkan perwakilan warga negara lain ke negaranya. “Lihat sendiri, rasakan, dan buktikan.” Hal ini berlaku juga dalam hubungan diplomasi militer yang dilakukan oleh USA kepada negara-negara yang menjadi aliansi dan partner nya. Departemen Pertahanan Paman Sam ini melalui lembaga Pendidikan Air Force Air Univercity, mengundang 81 siswa dari 62 negara untuk mengikuti pendidikan Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) tahun pelajaran 2023-2024. Pendidikan ini setara dengan pendidikan militer Sekolah Staf dan Komando (Sesko) angkatan masing-masing matra (AD/AL/AU) di Indonesia.

Salah satu program favorit dalam pendidikan ACSC ini adalah melaksanakan pengenalan budaya USA berupa: sejarah, sistem peradilan, sistem pemerintahan, teknologi militer dan lain sebagainya.[i] Field Studies Program (FSP) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran hal-hal yang ‘positif’ secara umum dari USA, sehingga dapat memberikan kesan dan keyakinan kepada siswa militer internasional betapa maju nya peradaban negara adidaya ini. Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan bagi negara yang sudah menjalin aliansi militer dengan USA akan semakin mantap pendiriannya, sedangkan negara yang masih sekedar berpartnership diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kerjasamanya.

Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2023

Understanding The 2022 United States National Security Strategy Through The Liberalism Perspective

 Major Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/Flight 13/NS-600E Midterm/October 10th, 2023

        In the past century, only a handful of nations have held the superpower title, and the United States (U.S.) is the sole survivor. The U.S. maintains its regional hegemony by aligning its national interests with most of the international community. However, it is not uncommon for the national interests of one nation to intersect with those of other nations. The U.S. requires prudent and continual planning to protect its national interests while being a global leader, as noted in the 2022 U.S. National Security Strategy (NSS). The NSS states that the U.S. national interests aspire to produce a better future, meaning a free, open, safe, and prosperous world.[i] The U.S. also uses the NSS as a foundation for establishing international relations with other nations and international organizations. This essay will assess the U.S. NSS for 2022 from a liberal standpoint, using diplomatic, economic, and military lenses.

The leadership of General Soedirman: The First Commander of The Indonesian Armed Forces

Maj. Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/ACSC, Flight 13/LP-604/September 20th, 2023 

Perhaps how long we live is essential, but how meaningful our life is to others is much more critical. These are apt terms to define the life of Soedirman, who died at the relatively early age of 34. He was born into an ordinary family and completed primary and secondary schooling before becoming an adored school principal among his students. During the colonial time, his heart called him to fight for independence by joining Pembela Tanah Air (PETA)/The National Guardian, a Japanese-formed indigenous army. His strong personality and ability to lead troops advanced him up the military ranks, from battalion commander to division commander to his paramount position as the first Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI)/Indonesian National Armed Forces commander.

Minggu, 08 Oktober 2023

Sun Tzu's and Clausewitz's Theories on Russia's 2014 Operation to Annex Crimea

Major Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/Flight 13/MT-601E/September 15th, 2023 

In February 2014, the actions of Russia against Ukraine shocked the international community. Nobody expected Russia to be able to annex the Crimean Peninsula without facing considerable opposition from the Ukrainian government. However, those who understand war theory could forecast this behavior based on earlier signs. This is why we study the history and theory of war to recognize its symptoms so that we can either avoid it or, in the worst-case scenario, be prepared to confront it. The Russian military effort to take over Crimea is one example of an international conflict we may learn from. Russia's effective annexation of Crimea in 2014 demonstrates Sun Tzu's military theory of deception, and Carl von Clausewitz's theory of war as an extension of politics still has relevance in contemporary times.

Joint Planning Process for Air (JPPA) How Does It Enlighten the Airmen?

Major Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/Flight 13/JO-600E/July 30, 2023

“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything,” said Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States.[i] It describes planning as important, especially for military operations. The United States Air Force, as part of the Joint Task Force, has its own way of delivering planning with the Joint Planning Process for Air. According to Air Force doctrine, joint planning is the deliberate process of figuring out how to implement strategic directives-specifically, how to deploy military capabilities in time and space to achieve goals while assuming a manageable degree of risk.[ii] Knowing the JPPA will enlighten the airmen, especially the benefits for the Air Force officers as individuals and collectively.

Sabtu, 23 September 2023

Application of the Conceptual Envelopment Theory Within U.S.-China Strategic Rivalry in the Pacific

 Major Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/ACSC, Flight 13/MT-600/August 15, 2023

        The declaration of a territorial claim known as the nine-dash line in the South China Sea, along with the One China policy, which seeks to achieve the reunification of Taiwan, hold considerable implications for global security and have substantially escalated tensions within the area. Implementing this discretionary measure has intensified the competitive landscape between the United States (U.S.) and China. The People's Republic of China (PRC) has employed an indirect strategy against the U.S., which employs the Conceptual Envelopment theory alongside various instruments of power. According to David Kilcullen, conceptual envelopment occurs when we do measures that we describe as typical peacetime rivalry. At the same time, a rival with a broader definition of warfare sees these as acts of war and responds appropriately.[i] This essay will assess the application of the Conceptual Envelopment theory within the U.S.-China strategic rivalry in the Pacific. The analysis begins by examining the PRC’s use of economic power to compete with the United States. Additionally, it explores the PRC's efforts to diminish American influence among its allies and partners.

The United States’ Ethical Dilemma with The Ukraine-Russia War

 Maj. Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/ACSC, Flight 13/LP-601/August 23, 2023

The Ukrainian people will never forget February 24, 2022. The Ukrainian crisis took a tragic turn when Russia invaded, citing fears over Ukrainians wanting to join NATO. Meanwhile, the United States (U.S.), with substantial influence within NATO, supported Ukraine's desire to join the alliance while condemning Russia's hostile actions. The U.S. supports Ukraine by providing military assistance, including cluster munitions with dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM), to counter Russian aggression. On the other hand, this act incited much discourse within American society due to its multifaceted implications, giving rise to an ethical dilemma.

An ethical dilemma arises when multiple alternative courses of action are available, none of which can be unambiguously deemed morally superior.[i] In this case, the U.S. government argues that the cluster ammunition can help Ukraine in the fight against Russia, yet the U.S. public is concerned about the impact of such ammunition on civilians. This essay justifies America's decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine. Despite cluster ammunition having the potential to increase civilian casualties, this ammunition assistance clearly demonstrates the U.S. commitment to assisting Ukraine and is part of an effort to end the conflict immediately.

Rabu, 20 September 2023



Maj. Dolly Hutagalung–IDAF, Flight 13, ACSC – AY24

 Day 1. Experience As a Leader & Day 8. Power, Status, and Influence

Prompt: Write a short account of a moment from your leadership experience. What were you doing, where did you add value, and what does that snapshot say about you as a leader generally?

I am an Indonesian Air Force pilot officer, deployed in Squadron number 7 from 2010 until 2022 (power). As a helicopter pilot, I should be professional with my flight skills to achieve the qualification stages from Co-pilot to functional test pilot (status). Besides focusing on my job as a pilot, I also have a responsibility to take care of the airmen in my unit. I let my airmen during training, operation, and maintenance squadron affairs (influence).

I have some tenets (influence) that I always try to show to my airmen during my leadership time. First is to walk the talk, which means what you are doing is like what you are talking about. Never give an order if you have never done that, except for a job that is associated with a different profession. You need to give your trust to your airmen. Secondly, the leader has to be seen. At least give time to show up to your airmen to show that you engage directly during the job, even if you cannot stay until the job finishes.

Moreover, if you cannot give everything to your members (lack of power), at least give a good example comprehensively (influence). As a leader, your members will imitate you, or at least your behavior will become an example to the next generation in your unit, even above. Lastly, after you give all of that, you need to trust your members but keep verifying periodically. As a leader, your job is to bring your unit to achieve the end related to Air Force goals as a big organization.

As Indonesian Armed Forces soldiers (power), we have some fundamental core values: Soldiers Oath, 8 Obligation Stance of the Indonesian Armed Forces, & 11 Principles of TNI Leadership. We repeat together during every official ceremony. 

Senin, 17 Juli 2023


Maj. Dolly JP. Hutagalung - IDAF

SOS is the abbreviation for Squadron Officer School, it is a special course where every officer with Captain rank is compulsory joining du toe part of the Major rank requirement. And ACSC is the abbreviation for Air Command and Staff College, it is also a special course where every officer with a Major rank is compulsory joining du toe part of the Lieutenant Colonel rank requirement; at least, those terms happened in the USAF and Indonesian Airforce (IDAF). On the other hand, every military in each country has its courses such as SOS and ACSC with different names and syllabi according to their perspective and objective. Special for this blog, allow me to share a little story about my experiences undergoing USAF SOS and also ACSC want a be, from a student recruitment perspective.

Minggu, 16 Juli 2023


Indonesia’s Role in Maintaining the Balance of Power

 in the South China Sea Conflict

ACSC Preparatory Course, Seminar 16

Each country has a global security strategy to achieve the national interest, even though sometimes it overlaps with the interests of other countries. Nations assert common political interests as independent communities and act as legitimate agents in international affairs.[i] This condition happened to the People of the Republic of China (PRC) when expanding its influence in the South China Sea (SCS) area. How are Indonesia’s actions in preventing the potential conflict in the SCS? Indonesia is the biggest country in Southeast Asia, and some territories are next to the SCS territory. Moreover, Indonesia is one of the founding members of ASEAN, a notable multilateral organization in Southeast Asia. Based on the two facts, Indonesia has an essential role in global security, especially in the SCS conflict.

Global security involves a country's ability y to minimize external threats and maintain sovereignty.[ii] It becomes more critical when some countries in the same region have a different view that threatens the sovereignty of others, like in the SCS. Indonesia should take a role as a balancing power in the SCS conflict. Firstly, Indonesia used diplomacy power to respond to the PRC directly; on the other hand, it utilized multinational organizations’ influence to put more pressure on the PRC. Secondly, Indonesia used military power to give a deterrent effect and executed defense strategic cooperation with other countries. Furthermore, both the power of diplomacy and the military should have short and long-term planning. With the simultaneous implementation of two instruments of power, Indonesia can reduce the PRC's domination in the SCS and make the situation more stable.


Indonesian Civil and Military Relationships

How Should We Deal with It?

ASCSC Preparatory Course, Seminar 16

Can we really avoid civil and military relationships (CMR) within the country? CMR has always become one of the exciting topics in intellectual society. We can find it in most war world history in every country, even in Indonesia’s history. According to Cohen’s thesis about CMR in wartime, the military has an indispensable dependency on civilian control, which validates that civilians have the upper hand over the military[i]. Civilians and the military have a special relationship that cannot be separated during peace and wartime. The thesis applied in Indonesia’s CMR from the past to the present, with different applications and impacts.

As a nation, we must regulate the CMR within state management clearly. We can start by referring to the CMR within Indonesian history; there was a time when statesmen used the power of the military for political will. Then, continuing with the civil supremacy during Reformation Era when the abrupt reduction of military power in state administration. Furthermore, we can draw a line into the current CMR in Indonesia and how the application is. By examining these three periods, it is clear that Cohen’s statesman model can help Indonesia’s military becomes more effective and helps the government carry out its duties.

Minggu, 07 Mei 2023



Photo terakhirkalinya bersama mobil Ertiga putih

        Maret 2020 pertama kali mobil Suzuki Ertiga tipe GX berwarna putih produksi tahun 2017 sampai di depan rumah kami. Mobil ini merupakan hasil tukar tambah mobil pertama kami yaitu Suzuki Karimun Wagon R tipe GL, melalui jasa Mandiri Tunas Finance (MTF) cabang Subang. Mobil Ertiga yang sudah menempuh 60000-an KM ini, kami butuhkan guna mengantisipasi jumlah anggota keluarga Hutagalung yang akan bertambah (anak kedua). Pertama kali datang ke rumah dibawa oleh seorang agen dari MTF, mobil ini langsung mencuri perhatian kami. Untuk menyakinkan kondisi dari mobil, saya pun membawa teknisis kendaraan dari kantor, dan hasil inspeksi sampai dengan tes drive hasilnya cukup bagus. Akhirnya kami deal dengan harga 145jt, dan tinggal membayar kurang bayar dari tukar tambah mobil nya,dengan cicilan selama 4 tahun.  

Sabtu, 15 April 2023


by Maj DJP. “Dompak” Hutagalung; EAP Course Batch-3

      Helicopter is one of the four main components in Indonesian Air Force (IDAF) aircraft beside fighter, transport, and UAV, which has some special tasks in air operations. According to its role, IDAF as air power has obligations to conduct military operations on war (MOW) and military operations other than war (MOTW) (Mabesau, 2019)[1]. One of the important tasks in MOTW during peace-time is to implement standby Search and Rescue (SAR) at each fighter air base, to support fighter training and operation. However, most of the time when carrying out standby SAR operation, the helicopter pilots just stay on the ground and wait until fighter exercise are finished. After that they can do flying for training.

          According to the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (PICAO), article in the Air Sea Rescue Bulletin defined SAR as the action of seeking and bringing back the casualties due to an emergency accident to safety area. More contemporary references, from The International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual (1999) state that “search” is an operation to find casualties in emergencies using man-power and equipment, and “rescue” is an operation to recapture casualties in emergency, furnish them with life support equipment, and return them to a safe place (Cooper, 2005)[2]. Furthermore, SAR operation is part of air power utilized during air operation. The definition air power from Air Marshal R. J. Armitage and Air Vice Marshal R. A. Mason, they thought that a platform in the third dimension above the surface and earth to be used by the capability of military force projection (Clodfelter, 2006)[3].

Jumat, 14 April 2023


Letda Pnb  Refa, Sekbang Rotary A-102.

Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua, semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat dan jangan lupa selalu bersyukur. Perkenalkan nama saya Letda Pnb Refa Andrean Tri Pamungkas, saya adalah salah satu Siswa Sekbang A-102 Rotary Wing, Lulusan AAU 2022. Dalam tulisan ini saya ingin berbagi tentang sedikit perjalan saya dalam memperoleh apa yang saya capai saat ini. Semoga ada hal yang bermanfaat dari apa yang anda baca di tulisan ini.

Semasa muda semua berjalan normal seperti remaja pada umunya. Namun ada beberapa hal yang mungkin berbeda. Saya tergolong remaja yang lebih suka menghabiskan waktu untuk mengurusi urusan sekolah dan sesekali senang dengan kegiatan olahraga permainan. Belum ada dalam benak saya untuk bercita-cita menjadi penerbang TNI AU. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu dan karena keinginan hati yang timbul menuntun menuju kearah sana, akhirnya tumbuh motivasi untuk mencapai hal tersebut.

Kamis, 06 April 2023


 Letda Pnb Pusapa

Siswi Sekolah Penerbang Rotary Wing A-102

Nama saya Garini Dharma Puspa dengan callsign Puspa. Kedua orang tua saya adalah tentara. Ibu saya anggota TNI-AD dan ayah saya anggota TNI-AU. Saya tinggal di Komplek Skadron, Halim Perdana Kusuma dimana sangat dekat dengan bandara Halim. Sejak kecil ayah saya sering mengajak saya untuk melihat pesawat dari pinggir runway maupun ke tower untuk sekedar melihat indahnya Jakarta dari ketinggian. Begitulah cara beliau memotivasi saya pertama kali agar kelak saya memiliki keinginan untuk menjadi anggota TNI-AU seperti beliau.


 Letda Pnb Lalu

Siswa Sekolah Penerbang Rotary Wing A-102

       Sermatutar PNB Lalu Barik lahir pada 04 September 1999 di Pati, Jawa Tengah. Anak semata wayang dari pasangan Lalu Zarwan dan Ir. Shofiatini yang berkediaman di Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Dia adalah taruna tingkat IV korps penerbang di Akademi Angkatan Udara. Ibunda Lalu Barik berasal dari Jawa, sedangkan ayahnya asal Lombok.

        Keinginannya menjadi seorang tentara sudah ada dari sejak kecil, hingga akhirnya pada saat ia duduk di bangku SMA ia sangat berkeinginan menjadi seorang TNI Angkatan Udara, tepatnya ia ingin menjadi seorang taruna Akademi Angkatan Udara. Semua usaha ia lakukan agar bisa menjadi taruna Akademi Angkatan Udara seperti mengikuti segala organisasi yang ada di SMA, seperti OSIS dan PASKIBRA. dimana ia bersekolah di SMA N 1 Karanganom, Klaten. Ia pun bisa menjadi salah satu perwakilan untuk pasukan pengibar bendera di Kabupaten Klaten pada tahun 2015 silam.


 Letda Pnb Kurta

Siswa Sekolah Penerbang Rotary Wing A-102

        Lahir di Malang 2 Agustus tahun 2000. Merupakan anak pertama dari dua bersaudara. Ayahku merupakan seorang prajurit TNI Angkatan Udara sedangkan Ibuku adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. kami berpindah-pindah tempat karena menyesuaikan pekerjaan ayahku sebagai prajurit yang harus siap ditempatkan dimana saja. Malang merupakan penempatan pertama ayah saya dan merupakan tempat kelahiran saya. Berbeda dengan adik saya yang lahir di tempat penempatan ke dua ayah saya yaitu di Magetan. Terlahir di keluarga berlatar belakang Militer membentuk kami sebagai pribadi yang disiplin dan correct sehingga hidup kami sangat teratur. Kebiasaan yang kami ciptakan membuat semangat kami untuk mengikuti jejak ayah semakin bulat. Terlahir di Kawasan wilayah TNI bagian matra udara yang kesehariannya melihat pesawat dan landasan membuat keingintahuan tentang ilmu kedirgantaraan kami meningkat. Dengan adanya penambahan pesawat-pesawat baru di kala itu membuat kami semakin yakin bahwa kelak nanti kami akan menunggangi alutsista-alutsista tersebut.


 Letda Pnb Hadiyan

Siswa Sekolah Penerbang Rotary Wing A-102

        Nama Saya Muhammad Hadyan Hadafi, kelahiran Jakarta, 03 November 2000. Saya anak kedua dari empat bersaudara. Di lingkungan saya disebut dengan panggilan Hadafi. Ya Hadafi, Nama dari pemimpin Negara Libya pada zaman itu Muammar Khadafi, dengan harapan dari orangtua kelak sifat kepemimpinan saya dapat seperti beliau, Pemimpin yang adil, membela rakyatnya, dan tidak takut dengan musuh musuhnya. Saya terlahir dari lingkungan TNI-AU. Ayah saya adalah seorang Anggota TNI-AU, sedangkan ibu saya  seorang pegawai negeri sipil POLRI, keduanya berdinas di Jakarta, namun di umur 6 tahun saya sering ikut berpindah pindah di luar kota karena tuntutan dinas ayah saya.


 by Letda Pnb Gesang

Siswa Sekolah Penerbang Rotary Wing A-102 Skadik 105 Wingdik 100

Inilah kisah hidup Saya, Letda Pnb Gesang Satriatama pemuda asal Malang yang menjadi salah satu calon penerbang helikopter TNI AU. Saya lahir dari keluarga yang sangat sederhana dengan didikan yang baik serta pendidikan formal yang memadai. Saya mengenyam pendidikan di SDN Sumberpucung 07 yang berada hanya 300 meter dari rumah Saya. Masa SD Saya penuh dengan memori yang membahagiakan, Saya memiliki banyak teman dan suka berpetualang. Pengalaman paling berkesan Saya adalah ketika Ayah  Saya mengajak untuk berpetualang menyusuri rel kereta api. Di sepanjang perjalanan banyak hal-hal menarik yang Saya temui, mulai dari bertemu dengan ular hingga minum langsung dari sumber mata air yang berada di perjalanan Saya menyusuri rel kereta tersebut.


 by Letda Pnb Dhanes

Siswa Sekolah Penerbang A-102 Skadik 105 Wing 100 

    Perkenalkan nama saya Nicolas Dhaneswara Gaganantara. Saya lahir di Jakarta 12 Oktober 1998. Saya lahir dari Pasangan Aloysius Nugroho dan Ratih Kumala Dewi. Orang tua saya sehari-hari bekerja sebagai TNI-AD berpangkat Brigjen TNI dan Ibu saya seorang Ibu Rumah tangga. Saya adalah alumni AAU tahun 2022 berpangkat Letnan Dua Penerbang. Saya akan menceritakan sedikit tentang perjalanan saya sampai bisa menyandang Pangkat Letnan Dua Penerbang.

          Saya berasal dari keluarga yang kebetulan sangat kental dengan TNI mulai dari TNI-AU dan TNI-AD. Kakek saya keduanya adalah pensiunan TNI-AU dan TNI-AD berpangkat Kolonel. Paman saya dan ayah saya adalah seorang Perwira TNI-AD berpangkat Kolonel dan Brigjen TNI. Jadi sedikit banyak saya mengerti tentang dunia keperwiraan dan militer.. Selepas lulus dari SMA saya mencoba mendaftar menjadi Perwira TNI-AU melalui Lanud Halim. Saya sempat gagal di seleksi pusat pada percobaan pertama tahun 2017, tak patah semangat saya mendaftar pada kesempatan selanjutnya yaitu di tahun 2018. Puji Tuhan kali ini saya berhasil lulus dan lolos menjadi Taruna AAU.


by Letda Pnb  Bagus

Siswa Sekolah Penerbang Rotary Wing A-102

“Hasil yang baik adalah buah kesabaran dari seseorang yang tidak pernah menyerah pada proses. Jadi jangan pernah menyerah, teruslah melangkah kedepan” Quotes tersebut yang saya pegang teguh sampai saat ini. Perkenalkan saya Bagus Satrioaji putra Sukabumi, Jawa Barat yang diberikan kesempatan untuk berpendidikan di AKABRI UDARA setelah 6 tahun tidak ada lagi putra dari Sukabumi yang berpendidikan di AKABRI. Cukup suatu hal membanggakan bagi saya mendapatkan kesempatan tersebut karena hal itu juga yang membuat saya terus semangat dan sebagai motivasi dalam menjalani kehidupan di setiap harinya.


 by Letda Pnb Arman

Siswa Sekbang Rotary Wing A-102

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

        Perkenalkan saya Letda Pnb Arman Putra Dinata anak kedua dari pasangan Helmiadi dan Sri Wahyuni, saya lahir dan besar di kota Palembang selama 18 tahun sebelum saya lulus menjadi Taruna Akademi Angkatan Udara. Saya lulus dari Pendidikan Akademi Angkatan Udara pada tahun 2022. Orang tua saya bekerja sebagai wiraswasta di kota Palembang dan ibu saya bekerja sebagai guru di salah satu Sekolah unggulan di Palembang.


by Letda Pnb Apri
Siswa Sekolah Penerbang Rotary Wing A-102

           Ivan Rizki Apriharjadi itulah nama saya, biasa di panggil ivan oleh rekan rekan saya. Saya lahir di Bogor pada tanggal 12 April 1999 dari pasangan Bapak Serma Yasin Maskur yang berprofesi sebagai Prajurit TNI AU berdinas di Kipan C 467 Paskhas Bogor dan Ibu R. Dwi Ahvianti yang sehari-harinya menjadi Ibu Rumah Tangga. Saya anak pertama dari tiga bersaudara. Adik saya yang pertama Bernama Devina Rizky Febrihafidzah dan yang kedua yaitu Adinda Rizki Artyavani. Saya di besarkan di Kota Hujan yaitu Kota Bogor dengan segala penuh kasih sayang dari kedua orang tua saya yang selalu mengajarkan untuk selalu jujur dan berbuat kebaikan tidak lupa untuk patuh pada agama dan sejak kecil di ajarkan untuk membaca doa untuk kedua orang tua pada saat selesai sholat dan kebiasaan itupun masih saya lakukan sampai sekarang.

Selasa, 04 April 2023



by Siswa Sekbang A-102 Rotary Wing 

Skadron Pendidikan 105 Wing 100/Terbang

        Aku lahir di keluarga sederhana, ayahku seorang pegawai di sebuah BUMN, ibuku seorang ibu rumah tangga. Sejak kecil aku selalu berpindah tempat tinggal.menyesuaikan dengan lingkungan yang baru, mengikuti kemana ayahku ditugaskan. Tidak ada satupun keluargaku yang berlatar belakangkan militer. Namun entah kenapa, aku sangat ingin menjadi seorang tentara sejak aku kecil. Memang orangtuaku sejak kecil sudah mengajarkanku untuk selalu hidup disiplin. Walaupun bukan seorang militer, ayahku mendidikku dengan tegas sejak kecil. Begitu pula dengan ibuku. Bisa dibilang orangtuaku adalah orang yang Strict Parents. Oleh karena itu, sejak kecil aku sudah terbiasa dengan kehidupan yang sangat teratur.


Mayor Pnb Galung,    Skadik 105 Wingdik 100/Terbang

Sedikit sharing mengenai proses, syarat, dan persiapan calon siswa dalam rangka mengikuti pendidikan luar negeri selevel Seskoau. Selamat membaca, semoga bermanfaat. 


1.    Memenuhi persyaratan casis Seskoau sesuai dengan juknis yang berlaku.

2.    Diajukan oleh satuan asal (berkelakuan baik dan tidak mengganggu operasional satuan).

3.    Terdaftar dalam TR pemanggilan calon siswa.

4.     Mengikuti beberapa rangkaian test bahasa Inggris dan passing grade, sbb:

        a.    Tes bahasa Inggris (ALCPT + Writing) yang dilaksanakan di Disdikau (TW-2).

        b.    Pretes Seskoau yang dilaksanakan oleh Binprof Pnb (TW-3).

        c.    Tes bahasa Inggris (ECL, min score 80) di kedutaan USA (tanggal menyesuaikan).      

5.    Lulus tes Seskoau dalam negeri. Tes dilaksanakan oleh Disdikau di AAU / lanud Smo              (TW-4).

Minggu, 26 Februari 2023




    Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) is part of Indonesian armed forces beside army and navy. Its responsible of airspace security which is 5.8 million km square are oceans including economic exclusive zone, and 2 million km square is mainland. So, TNI AU responsible toward airspace security of 7.8 million km square approximately. And inside those huge territory, there are about 280 million people live in Indonesia. Therefore, our chief of staff declare TNI AU core value is become a respected air force in the region with intention to protect Indonesian territory and people inside them.

Minggu, 19 Februari 2023


Photo bersama IP simulator, Mr. Liw dan Mr. Young

    Salah satu kegiatan rutin pilot helikopter EC 120B Colibri (Colibri) TNI AU, yaitu melaksanakan latihan simulator di Airbus Helikopter Training Center (AHTC) di Selatar air base Singapore. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama 1 minggu (5 - 11 Februari 2023) mulai dari tahap persiapan sampai dengan pengakhiran. Inti dari kegiatan simulator ini adalah melatihkan exercise dan prosedur emergency yang tidak bisa dilaksanakan pada pesawat sebenarnya, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas pilot dalam menghadapi kondisi darurat.