Selasa, 21 Mei 2024


Air Education & Training Center (AETC)

 Maj. Dolly J.P. Hutagalung - IDAF 

1.   Joint Air Operation Planning (8 hari)

a.   Course Evaluations:

1) Daily Quiz

2) Final Quiz

3) Essay JAOP

4)   Class Exercise and Contribution

b. Course Daily:

1) Day 1: Joint Basics and Operational Design

2) Day 2: Integrated Deterrence, COG Analysis, and Command Relationships

3) Day 3: Operational Design, JPPA, Air Intelligence, and Space and Cyber Capabilities

4) Day 4: Risk, Mission Statement, JPPA, JADO, Combat Support, and TAGS

5) Day 5: JPPA, Joint Air Power, Road to War, Exercise Introduction,

and Air and Missile Defense Design

6) Day 6: JO Exercise Day 1

7) Day 7: JO Exercise Day 2

8) Day 8: JO Exercise Day 3


2.  Leadership and The Profession of Arms (15 hari)

a.   Course Evaluations:

1) Essay Ethical Advice

2) Essay Personal Leader Development Package

3) Organizational Change Design Sprint

4) Essay Leader Analysis

5) Class Contribution

b.   Course Daily:

1)   Phase I: Leading Yourself        

a)   Day 1: Leadership Theory and Personal Development

b) Day 2: Ethics and The Leader

c)   Day 3: Personality

d) Day 4: Character

e) Day 5: Ethical Challenges to The Profession of Arms

2)   Phase II: Leading Others

a) Day 6: Emotional Intelligence

b) Day 7: Communication

c)   Day 8: Power, Status, And Influence

d) Day 9: Decision-Making and Biases

e) Day 10: Leadership in Extremis

3)   Leading Organizations

a) Day 11: Organizational Culture

b)   Day 12: Creativity and Vision

c)   Day 13: Leading Change

d) Day 14: Leading and Empowering for Mission Command

e) Day 15: Design Brief: Improving the Organization


3.   Foundations of Military Theory: The Evolution of War and Military Thought (11 hari)

      a.   Course Evaluations:

1)   Short Essay

2)   Final Essay

3)   Class Exercises, Preparation, and Contribution

      b.   Course Daily:

1)   Day 1: War as Human Nature

2)   Day 2: War as Strategy

3)   Day 3: War as Science

4)   Day 4: War as Art

5)   Day 5: War as Policy

6)   Day 6: War in The Land Domain

 7)  Day 7: War in The Maritime Domain

8)   Day 8: War in The Air Domain

9) Day 9: Irregular War

10) Day 10: Nuclear Deterrence

11) Day 11: War in The Traditional Domains


4.   Air Power Strategy and Operations (20 hari)

a.   Course Evaluations:

1) Mid-Term Essay

2)   Mission Statement Assignment

3) Final Paper

4) Class Contribution

b.   Course Daily:

1) Phase I: From Airpower’s Birth to Its Coming-of-Age         

a)   Day 1: World War I

b) Day 2: Post-World War I Airpower

c)   Day 3: Air Superiority in Theory and Practice

d) Day 4: Wartime Adaptation in The Battle of Britain

e) Day 5: Road to War in The Pacific

f)    Day 6: Auxiliary Airpower in World War II

g) Day 7: The Strategic and Ethical Dilemmas of Strategic Air Campaigns Against Germany and Japan

2)   Phase II: Change and Continuity in Limited War

a) Day 8: The Nuclear Bomb and The Missile Will Always Get Through? Offensive And Defensive Capabilities, 1945-Today

b) Day 9: The Korean War

c)   Day 10: The Strategic Effectiveness of Airpower in Small Wars

d) Day 11: Independent Airpower Over North Vietnam

3)   Phase III: Reforming and Increasing Airpower Capability

a) Day 12: Post-Vietnam Reforms

b) Day 13: Joint Operations and Airpower in the 1980s

c)   Day 14: Strategic Effectiveness of Air Mobility

d) Day 15: The Gulf War

e) Day 16: Operation Allied Force

f)    Day 17: Airpower in The Global War on Terror

4)   Phase IV: Operational Air, Space, and Cyberpower in INDOPACOM

a) Day 18: Operational Airpower in Indopacom

b) Day 19: Operational Cyberpower in Indopacom

c)   Day 20: Operational Spacepower in Indopacom


5.   United States National Security (20 hari)

      A.  Course Evaluations:

1) Mid-Term Essay

2) Final Essay

3) Class Participation

      B.  Course Daily:

1) Phase I: Understanding the Security Environment

a) Day 1: Introduction and Approaches to Security

b) Day 2: Realism and Great Power Conflict

c)   Day 3: Liberalism and Great Power Conflict

d) Day 4: Constructivism and Great Power Conflict

e) Day 5: Strategy

f)    Day 6: Competing U.S. Grand Strategies

2)   Phase II: The Instrument of National Power

a) Day 7: The Economic IOP

b) Day 8: The Information IOP

c) Day 9: The Diplomatic IOP

3)   Phase III: National Security Decision Making

a) Day 10: The President and the NSC

b) Day 11: Civil-Military Relations

c)   Day 12: The Intelligence Community and National Security

d) Day 13:  Allies and Partners

e) Day 14: Policymaking in Action

4)   Phase IV: National Security Challenges

a) Day 15: China’s Rise to Great Power Status

b) Day 16: Managing the China Challenge

c)   Day 17: The North Korean Nuclear Threat

d) Day 18: Resurgent Russia

e) Day 19: Managing the Russia Challenge

f)    Day 20: Iran


6.   Leadership in Command (10 hari)

      a.   Course Evaluations:

1) Case Analysis Paper

2)   Mission Command Group Exercise

3)   Commander’s Call

4)   Class Contribution

      b.   Course Daily:

1)   Phase I: Command Expression

a)   Day 1: Command Expectations

b)   Day 2: Command Climate

c)   Day 3: Decision Making

d)   Day 4: Discipline and Justice

e) Day 5: Command Communication

2)   Phase II: Command Friction

a)   Mission Command

b)   Leading Through Change

c)   Crisis Leadership

d)   Leading in Operations

e)   First Commander’s Call


7.   Contemporary and Emerging Warfare (21 hari)

      a.   Course Evaluations:

1) Executive Summary Talking Paper

2) Position Paper

3) Maneuver Brief

4)   Final Paper (OPORD)

5)   Class Exercises and Contribution

      b.   Course Daily:

1) Day 1: OIR and The Pivot to Strategic Competition

2) Day 2: Emerging Technology

3)   Day 3: Emerging Technology and Future Threats

4) Day 4: Integrated Deterrence in The Contemporary and Emerging Environment

5) Day 5: Modern Russian Doctrine and Theories of War

6) Day 6: Russia in Ukraine

7) Day 7: Modern Chinese Doctrine and Theories of War

8) Day 8: Recent Chinese Operations and Capabilities

9) Day 9: North Korea Doctrine, Theories of War, And Capabilities

10) Day 10: Iranian Military Threat and Israel-Hamas War

11) Day 11: Logistics, Sustainment, And Mobility in A Future Fight

12) Day 12: Command and Control

13) Day 13: Joint All-Domain Operations

14) Day 14: Scenario Introduction and Capabilities Familiarization

15) Day 15: Information Ops and Scenario Exercise

16) Day 16: Land Domain and Scenario Exercise

17) Day 17: Maritime Domain and Scenario Exercise

18) Day 18: Air Domain and Scenario Exercise

19) Day 19: Cyber/Ems Domain and Scenario Exercise

20) Day 20: Space Domain and Scenario Exercise

21) Day 21: Domain Synchronization


8.   Joint Campaign. (29 hari)

a.   Course Evaluations:

1) Group Presentation

2) Position Paper

3) Seminar/Workshop Contributions


      b.   Course Daily:

1)   Phase I: Problem Framing

a)   Day 1: Joint Planning, Campaigning, Joint Military Operations, and the Joint Planning Process

b)   Day 2: Introduction to Operational Design: Complexity in Operational Planning

c)   Day 3: Planning Initiation: Strategic Guidance, Understanding the Operational Environment, and Defining the Problem

d) Day 4: Center of Gravity Analysis

e)   Day 5: Developing the Operational Approach, Nigeria Exercise (NEX) Background Brief

f)    Day 6: Directed Study

g)   Day 7: Operational Design Workshop

h)   Day 8: Introduction to Mission Analysis

i)    Days 9 and 10: Mission Analysis Workshop       

2)   Phase II: Problem Solving

a)   Day 11: Operational Art – Student Presentations

b)   Day 12: Joint Special Operations: Campaigning Across the Continuum, Course of Action Development

c)   Days 13 and 14: COA Development Workshop Day 1 and Day 2

d) Day 15: COA Analysis and Wargaming Workshop

e)   Day 16: COA Comparison and Approval Workshop

f)    Day 17: Air Command and Control

g)   Day 18: Evolving AFDP 3-30: Air C2 in Major Operations

h) Day 19: Global Force Employment, Operational Contract Support, National Guard, and Reserve Component

3)   Phase III: Practical Application (PACIFIC ENDEAVOR Joint Planning Exercise)

a) Day 19: PACIFIC ENDEAVOR Road to War

b)   Day 20: Directed Study

c)   Day 21 – Day 28: PACIFIC ENDEAVOR:

(1) Day 1: Planning Initiation, Develop Initial Operation Approach

(2) Day 2: Develop Initial Operation Approach (cont), Begin Mission Analysis

(3) Day 3: Continue Mission Analysis, Revise Initial Operational Approach (as necessary)

(4) Day 4: Deliver Mission Analysis Briefing and Executive Summary, Begin COA Development

(5) Days 5 and 6: COA Development

(6) Day 7: COA Analysis and Wargaming, COA Comparison, Develop COA Approval Brief

(7) Day 8: Deliver COA Approval Briefing 

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