Jumat, 15 Desember 2023

Airpower Elements of the Trajectory of the War and the Influence on Contemporary Strategic Competition

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / AO-900 / 5 November 2023

The emergence of aviation technology has been forecasted to establish a novel sphere inside the realm of battle, thus assuming a pivotal role in determining military force, as anticipated by renowned figures such as Giulio Douhet, Hugh Trenchard, and William “Billy” Mitchell.[1] Airpower is first seen as a very susceptible component, but when advancements in time and technology occur, it evolves into a critical element of a nation’s military might. This is mainly attributed to its capacity to infiltrate deep into enemy territory. The evolution of airpower from its inception during World War I through the Vietnam War encompasses a dynamic interplay between continuity and change. This essay will explore the enduring nature of aerial reconnaissance, the evolution of technology in the field, and how these historical elements shape the contemporary employment of airpower in a world marked by complex and dynamic strategic competitions.

Safeguarding Indonesia’s National Security: A Comprehensive Strategy Amidst Rising Challenges from China

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / NS-601E Final Essay / 12 December 2023

        “To form a government of the state of Indonesia which shall protect all the people of Indonesia and all the independence and the land that has been struggled for, and to improve public welfare., participate toward establishing a world order based on freedom, perpetual peace, and social justice.” The Preamble of Indonesia’s Constitution clearly states the objectives and the statutes of the Government and State of Indonesia.[1] The Indonesian government's primary goal is to prioritize Indonesia's sovereignty and prosperity while actively engaging in promoting global peace. The founder of the Indonesian nation formulated noble aspirations, but their realization is not as straightforward as inscribing them on paper; instead, it is fraught with numerous challenges and obstacles since Indonesia is and continues to stand alongside other nations whose ideals and interests are to glorify their peoples. Presently, one of the nations whose behavior is beginning to resemble aggression is China, which is expanding in every sector and poses a potential threat to the nation’s ideals. Consequently, to safeguard Indonesia’s national security, a well-defined strategy is required to counter China’s threats via diplomacy, information, military, and economics and consider cross-theater risk.

Leadership Analysis The Assessment of General Douglas MacArthur

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / MT-601 / 20 September 2023

            General Douglas MacArthur said, “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”[1] These words were inspired by his mother’s encouragement to be self-confident and self-reliant and to know that even if you fail, you have tried your best.[2] This attribute was the primary factor contributing to his status as a profoundly influential figure in the American military leader who served in various prominent roles throughout his career. It also laid the foundation for his leadership style during the Second World War and Korea[3]. Studying the leadership style shown by past military figures offers an opportunity to evaluate and establish a superior model that may be a source of inspiration. This approach is often regarded as guiding our behavior should we be entrusted with organizational leadership responsibilities. As we all might know, leadership is the process through which individuals in positions of authority use their influence on others to attain shared objectives collectively.[4] The explanation of this concept entails identifying three interconnected components: ourselves, other individuals, or our subordinates, and the shared objective, which, in this context, refers to the organization.[5] This essay will analyze General Douglas MacArthur’s leadership as a lesson learned for current and future field grade leaders, focusing on his leadership character, power and influence, and leading the organizational changes.

China’s Application of Sun Tzu’s Theoretical Framework in its Pursuit of Hegemony over the South China Sea

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / MT-600 / 15 August 2023

One of Xi Jinping’s primary objectives is to position China as the preeminent global power, aiming to establish it as the most influential nation in the annals of human history.[1] Engaging with the major global powers, particularly the United States, is imperative to accomplish this objective. One of the measures the People’s Republic of China (PRC) used was exerting control over the South China Sea (SCS), an area encompassing territories of nations aligned with the United States; SCS also has strategic waterways with 5,3 trillion dollars in transactions annually.[2] The PRC effectively used a set of techniques derived from Sun Tzu’s renowned treatise “The Art of War” to establish and maintain supremacy in SCS while concurrently limiting the occurrence of direct confrontations by attacking the enemy’s strategy and disrupting alliances.

Sun Tzu’s and Clausewitz’s Strategies Undertaken on Russia’s Operations in Crimea

 Major Kresna Hendra Wibawa / Flight 17 / MT-601 / 15 September 2023

According to Sun Tzu’s statement, the pinnacle of expertise is to subjugate the adversary without fighting, to conquer cities without attacking them, and to overturn the opponent’s state without protracted operation.[1] Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 revealed Russian invasion expertise in putting what Sun Tzu has provided into practice. The annexation of Crimea, often described as a “bloodless invasion,” in the absence of any recorded Russian fatalities, it is estimated that there were around six associated deaths.[2] Besides that, Warfighting did not take place in Crimea.[3] Even more intriguing is the rapid pace of the process, which began on February 20 and was essentially completed on March 26, 2014.[4] It executed a geopolitical maneuver that embodied the timeless principles of military strategy and statecraft as articulated by two of history’s most influential military theorists: not only Sun Tzu but also Carls von Clausewitz. This essay will examine Sun Tzu’s theories of opportunism and subduing the enemy will, as well as Clausewitz’s theories of the cunning and the culmination point applied in Russian attempts to annex Crimea.

Sabtu, 09 Desember 2023


Paparan singkat di dalam kelas

 by Mayor Pnb "Dompak" Hutagalung 


      Setiap kegiatan akan lebih baik apabila ada pemanasasnnya. Begitu pula dengan kegiatan belajar-mengajar di Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) di Air University (AU) yang dimiliki oleh U.S. Air Force. Kampus AU berada di kota Montgomery Alabama,  yang berada di negara Amerika bagian selatan. AU memiliki satu dinas yang bernama International Offier School (IOS) yang memiliki tugas mengakomodir seluruh keperluan dari siswa internasional (International Officer/IO) selama mengikuti pendidikan, berupa kelengkapan administrasi, proses masuk-keluar siswa, akomodasi, dan yang tidak kalah penting adalah kursus persiapan (preparatory course). Kursus ini memakan waktu kurang lebih 7 minggu, dimana setiap hari kerja kegiatan belajar berlangsung kurang-lebih dari pukul 8.30 - 15.00 waktu setempat (bisa saja berubah menyesuaikan dinamika kegiatan). ACSC Praparatory Course menerapkan cara pembelajaran yang menarik dan komprehensif, mulai dari bahasa Inggris, pengetahuan umum militer, Sejarah dan budaya US, yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan IO menghadapi kegiatan belajar mengajar di ACSC bersama dengan siswa dari US. Dengan adanya kursus persiapan ini, harapannya IO memiliki bekal awal dan bisa segera menyesuaikan pola pendidikan di ACSC sehingga tidak tertinggal dari rekan-rekan siswa dari US.