Sabtu, 23 April 2022



We Train like We Fight

28th February – 4th March 2022

By Maj “Dompak” Hutagalung

Day-1.        1st March 2022

Setting Crew       :        Zen/Galung,         Galung/Jumeno


>       Hot Start.   Symptom, NG stuck < 40%


>       When abort start why we need continue starter depress?

Untuk membuang fuel yang masuk ke Combustion Chamber. Turbin tetap berputar untuk mengeluarkan panas.


>         Engine Failed.     Autorotation (auto) procedure & control NR in green

           If when HOGE,  collective lower not fully down.


>         Engine Press Warning Light – ON.

           Check Oil Press & Temp  indicator,  Land Immediate,  Autorotation.

           If kondisi di atas R/W atau after take off, continue landing saja.


 Day-2.          2nd March 2022

Setting Crew         :        Galung/Sigit,         Andry/Galung


>         Vortex Ring         >>     Air craft going down fastly.                  Because:

           -        Low speed (V < 40 kts)

           -        Higher VVI down

           -        Power up action

How to recover:  Cyclic forward,  gaining speed,  power down.

         If level altitude    >>     Turning


>       Governor Failed High Side.  

        New procedure :    collective raise for control NR (check FLI, do not over limit),  then shut down / autorotation.

         Governor Failed Low Side.      Collective lower,  shutdown,  autorotation.

         Analyze aural warning :  continuous or intermittent tones


 >       Engine Fire Warning Light - ON.             Small or Smoke

         If after take off,  landing first then shutdown immediate.


>       Servo Jamming. No Hydraulic W/L – ON

      Conduct Hydraulic emergency procedure,  shallow approach,  continue decreasing speed,  slow landing.


>      Auto Technic.      Prefer V-65 kts,  if higher can do S-Turn or reduce V-45 kts (high sink rate).  Change air speed for glide path correction.  Short final ± 100ft

         AGL  >  skid level, V-65 kts, standby flare out.


>       If Engine Failed at Lower Altitude.          10 – 15 ft

         At Short final / after take off. Do not  lower collective to much, just little bit.

         Continue flare out  >  Cx  >  Cushion.

         After cushion,  stick forward  >  Attitude 50 up.


>       Engine Restart.            Minimal Altitude  1000 ft Agl.

         -        EFSO forward

         -        Twist grip  >  start position

         -        [FUEL P]  LACU  -  On

         -        VEMD reset

         -        Cx NG < 10%      :        Starter depress

         -        Cx NG > 70%     :        Collective pull up gradually

         Focus control NR in green first, because simulator is not real.


 Day-3.        3rd March 2022

Setting Crew       :        Zen/Galung,  Galung/ Andry


>      Hydraulic W/L – On.       On short final .just continue landing (fast, before system jamming), still have 20 – 30 sec.  Tidak perlu segera hydraulic cut-off, prioritaskan landing.


>       Para Jump Exercise.    Engine failed on altitude 5000 ft (high).

         Do PFL (high key - low key)  >  do restart / relight,  with continue auto main set.

         If relight successful, expect for second engine falied.


>       Tail Rotor Failed on Short Final.

         Pedal not function  > idle then landing


>       Governer Failed High Side.   Still control (altitude climb)

`        No rush,  select AOA,  on final / sure in,  continue auto.


>       L/D Over Tree Top.

         Almost zero speed landing , flare higher.

         Body bawah pesawat menyentuh pohon duluan.


>       Bird strike After T/O.

         -        Control a/c , cx E/G instrument due to abnormal vibration.

         -        Ecpect T/R fail also, due to M/R crack.


>       HOGE T/O >>     E/G fail  or  T/R fail.

         Collective lower gradually to reduce yaw.

         If happened at 40 ft,  do cx & cushion.

         If happened at 5-10 ft,  do idle & cushion


>       Hydraulic Fail / Servo Control Jam.

         -     On Final,  control a/c,  do over shooting. Then enter Hyd fail procedure , join pattern & landing



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