Maj Dolly Hutagalung/ACSC AY24/Flight 13/JC-601E
1. Purpose: Identify troop-to-task resource needs required to accomplish JTF-N’s essential and specific tasks. The planning cell during the mission analysis phase determined one line of operation (LOO): defeat VEOs, and two lines of effort (LOE): the NAF-led internal security, and influence and support Nigeria's stability. JTF-N needs to allocate sufficient resources in the form of the most appropriate Force Package (FP) to complete the tasks.
a. The primary issues in Nigeria are the presence of aggressive violent extremist organizations (VEOs) and natural disasters in the region, both of which significantly raise the internally displaced persons (IDPs) and promote instability in the Government of Nigeria (GoN). Natural disasters are more difficult to foresee than VEO activities, hence VEO elimination is a top priority objective for JTF-N together with GoN.
b. This paper focuses on justifying FP 1's
competence to complete tasks following LOO and LOEs, identifying
capability gaps, and making recommendations for strengthening overall JTF-N