Sabtu, 28 Oktober 2023

Understanding The 2022 United States National Security Strategy Through The Liberalism Perspective

 Major Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/Flight 13/NS-600E Midterm/October 10th, 2023

        In the past century, only a handful of nations have held the superpower title, and the United States (U.S.) is the sole survivor. The U.S. maintains its regional hegemony by aligning its national interests with most of the international community. However, it is not uncommon for the national interests of one nation to intersect with those of other nations. The U.S. requires prudent and continual planning to protect its national interests while being a global leader, as noted in the 2022 U.S. National Security Strategy (NSS). The NSS states that the U.S. national interests aspire to produce a better future, meaning a free, open, safe, and prosperous world.[i] The U.S. also uses the NSS as a foundation for establishing international relations with other nations and international organizations. This essay will assess the U.S. NSS for 2022 from a liberal standpoint, using diplomatic, economic, and military lenses.

The leadership of General Soedirman: The First Commander of The Indonesian Armed Forces

Maj. Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/ACSC, Flight 13/LP-604/September 20th, 2023 

Perhaps how long we live is essential, but how meaningful our life is to others is much more critical. These are apt terms to define the life of Soedirman, who died at the relatively early age of 34. He was born into an ordinary family and completed primary and secondary schooling before becoming an adored school principal among his students. During the colonial time, his heart called him to fight for independence by joining Pembela Tanah Air (PETA)/The National Guardian, a Japanese-formed indigenous army. His strong personality and ability to lead troops advanced him up the military ranks, from battalion commander to division commander to his paramount position as the first Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI)/Indonesian National Armed Forces commander.

Minggu, 08 Oktober 2023

Sun Tzu's and Clausewitz's Theories on Russia's 2014 Operation to Annex Crimea

Major Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/Flight 13/MT-601E/September 15th, 2023 

In February 2014, the actions of Russia against Ukraine shocked the international community. Nobody expected Russia to be able to annex the Crimean Peninsula without facing considerable opposition from the Ukrainian government. However, those who understand war theory could forecast this behavior based on earlier signs. This is why we study the history and theory of war to recognize its symptoms so that we can either avoid it or, in the worst-case scenario, be prepared to confront it. The Russian military effort to take over Crimea is one example of an international conflict we may learn from. Russia's effective annexation of Crimea in 2014 demonstrates Sun Tzu's military theory of deception, and Carl von Clausewitz's theory of war as an extension of politics still has relevance in contemporary times.

Joint Planning Process for Air (JPPA) How Does It Enlighten the Airmen?

Major Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/Flight 13/JO-600E/July 30, 2023

“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything,” said Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States.[i] It describes planning as important, especially for military operations. The United States Air Force, as part of the Joint Task Force, has its own way of delivering planning with the Joint Planning Process for Air. According to Air Force doctrine, joint planning is the deliberate process of figuring out how to implement strategic directives-specifically, how to deploy military capabilities in time and space to achieve goals while assuming a manageable degree of risk.[ii] Knowing the JPPA will enlighten the airmen, especially the benefits for the Air Force officers as individuals and collectively.