Sabtu, 23 September 2023

Application of the Conceptual Envelopment Theory Within U.S.-China Strategic Rivalry in the Pacific

 Major Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/ACSC, Flight 13/MT-600/August 15, 2023

        The declaration of a territorial claim known as the nine-dash line in the South China Sea, along with the One China policy, which seeks to achieve the reunification of Taiwan, hold considerable implications for global security and have substantially escalated tensions within the area. Implementing this discretionary measure has intensified the competitive landscape between the United States (U.S.) and China. The People's Republic of China (PRC) has employed an indirect strategy against the U.S., which employs the Conceptual Envelopment theory alongside various instruments of power. According to David Kilcullen, conceptual envelopment occurs when we do measures that we describe as typical peacetime rivalry. At the same time, a rival with a broader definition of warfare sees these as acts of war and responds appropriately.[i] This essay will assess the application of the Conceptual Envelopment theory within the U.S.-China strategic rivalry in the Pacific. The analysis begins by examining the PRC’s use of economic power to compete with the United States. Additionally, it explores the PRC's efforts to diminish American influence among its allies and partners.

The United States’ Ethical Dilemma with The Ukraine-Russia War

 Maj. Dolly J. P. Hutagalung/ACSC, Flight 13/LP-601/August 23, 2023

The Ukrainian people will never forget February 24, 2022. The Ukrainian crisis took a tragic turn when Russia invaded, citing fears over Ukrainians wanting to join NATO. Meanwhile, the United States (U.S.), with substantial influence within NATO, supported Ukraine's desire to join the alliance while condemning Russia's hostile actions. The U.S. supports Ukraine by providing military assistance, including cluster munitions with dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM), to counter Russian aggression. On the other hand, this act incited much discourse within American society due to its multifaceted implications, giving rise to an ethical dilemma.

An ethical dilemma arises when multiple alternative courses of action are available, none of which can be unambiguously deemed morally superior.[i] In this case, the U.S. government argues that the cluster ammunition can help Ukraine in the fight against Russia, yet the U.S. public is concerned about the impact of such ammunition on civilians. This essay justifies America's decision to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine. Despite cluster ammunition having the potential to increase civilian casualties, this ammunition assistance clearly demonstrates the U.S. commitment to assisting Ukraine and is part of an effort to end the conflict immediately.

Rabu, 20 September 2023



Maj. Dolly Hutagalung–IDAF, Flight 13, ACSC – AY24

 Day 1. Experience As a Leader & Day 8. Power, Status, and Influence

Prompt: Write a short account of a moment from your leadership experience. What were you doing, where did you add value, and what does that snapshot say about you as a leader generally?

I am an Indonesian Air Force pilot officer, deployed in Squadron number 7 from 2010 until 2022 (power). As a helicopter pilot, I should be professional with my flight skills to achieve the qualification stages from Co-pilot to functional test pilot (status). Besides focusing on my job as a pilot, I also have a responsibility to take care of the airmen in my unit. I let my airmen during training, operation, and maintenance squadron affairs (influence).

I have some tenets (influence) that I always try to show to my airmen during my leadership time. First is to walk the talk, which means what you are doing is like what you are talking about. Never give an order if you have never done that, except for a job that is associated with a different profession. You need to give your trust to your airmen. Secondly, the leader has to be seen. At least give time to show up to your airmen to show that you engage directly during the job, even if you cannot stay until the job finishes.

Moreover, if you cannot give everything to your members (lack of power), at least give a good example comprehensively (influence). As a leader, your members will imitate you, or at least your behavior will become an example to the next generation in your unit, even above. Lastly, after you give all of that, you need to trust your members but keep verifying periodically. As a leader, your job is to bring your unit to achieve the end related to Air Force goals as a big organization.

As Indonesian Armed Forces soldiers (power), we have some fundamental core values: Soldiers Oath, 8 Obligation Stance of the Indonesian Armed Forces, & 11 Principles of TNI Leadership. We repeat together during every official ceremony.