Rabu, 20 Desember 2017


"Olah Yudha" in Indonesian SOS batch 102 - 2017

        Indonesian Air Force also have mandatory school for its captain like Squadron Officer School (SOS) in USAF. After graduating from SOS, I continued to study in Indonesia SOS directly, in the purpose to learn Indonesia Air Force Joint Air Operation and doctrine. There are some differences between the US and Indonesian SOS that I will try to describe in this paper. Beforehand, I would like to say thanks a lot for batch 102 Sekkau big families for kindness and friendliness during my time when joint the Indonesian SOS.

Jumat, 15 Desember 2017


The moment of giving a memento to Col Razor (USAF)

      Cultural diversity always happens around a team, so leadership will strengthen team performance to overcome cultural differences. Good leadership will give an emphasis that differences is not a problem. He will should never make a discrimination. And he will use differences to achieve a team purpose.

          The first important thing is a leader should give an emphasis that differences is not a big deal. Cultural differences is a normal condition in our daily live. No one people nor a team does not has a differences.


Bersama istri, setelah penutupan Penatris

Persiapan pelaksanaan Table Manner

    Penataran istri (Penatris) perwira merupakan salah satu rangkaian kegiatan di akhir pendidikan Sekolah Komando Kesatuan Angkatan Udara (Sekkau). Pada kegiatan ini, para istri dari perwira siswa (pasis) Sekkau mendapatkan pembekalan mengenai profil seorang istri perwira TNI/TNI AU sebagai bekal mendampingi suami untuk masa yang akan datang. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di lembaga pendidikan Sekkau yang masih berada di lingkungan pangkalan udara (lanud) Halim Perdana Kusuma, sejak tanggal 10 s. d. 14 Desember 2017. Adapun beberapa kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah sebagai berikut:

1.    Hari ke-1, Minggu 10 Desember 2017.

          Kegiatan diawali dengan lapor datang para pasis beserta istri di ruang Handrawina Sekkau. Kegiatan ini bermaksud untuk mengecek kehadiran dan kesiapan dari para istri pasis. Layak nya seperti daftar ulang, para istri pasis menyerahkan Surat Perintah (SP) dari satuan asal suami nya masing-masing.

          Setelah lapor datang tersebut, para istri melanjutkan kegiatan pengambilan photo perorangan untuk photo ijazah. Setelah itu, dilanjutkan dengan pengambilan photo suami-istri, untuk suami menggunakan seragam Pakaian Dinas Upacara 4 (PDH4) dan istri menggunakan Pakaian Seragam Harian (PSH).

Kamis, 07 Desember 2017


IOS-Yudicial Breakfast
            Team is a group which consist with some people who work together to make same goals. Normally, there are a leader and follower inside team, and they interdependence each other. Not only the good leader, but also the good follower will determine team success.

            Like a house, follower is a fundamental part from team. If their followership good, so that team absolutely good also. And this will influence their work performance.



Captain Dolly Johan Hutagalung is Chief of Internal Affairs, 7th Squadron, 8th Wing, Suryadarma Air Force Base (AFB), Subang, West Java. He responsible for coordination of any on ground activity and the internal security of the squadron. He flies the EC-120B Colibri, conducting seach and rescue, air lift, medical evacuation, humanitarian relief operations and low speed interception.
Captain Hutagalung was born in Tangerang, Banten. He graduated from Matauli senior high school in Central Tapanuli, North Sumatera. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 2008 after graduating from Indonesian Air Force Academy. He become an Air Force Pilot in 2010 after graduating from the Indonesian Air Force Flying School, Flight Training Wing, Adi Sucipto AFB. He has served 7th Squadron from 2010 until present.

During his service, Captain Hutagalung has served in various missions as a helicopter pilot in 7th Squadron. He has conducted low speed interception at the Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung city, humanatarian missions in Subang state and disaster relief in Pekanbaru province.