Author Capt Galung, Editor Maj Thrush
With Maj Thrush, Flight Commander of C37 |
Officer School (SOS) has its unique style during education times. As a purpose to create a better
Air Force leader in the future, SOS encourages all captains to explore their
potential leadership while utilizing these unique activities. The first one is
Project-X, this is an out side activity which needs brain and muscle. The
second activity is Air Power Doctrine Wargaming (ADWAR), this is like multiple
player game. The last one is Team Research & Innovation Project
(TR&IP), this is a project task that will examine the problem.
Project-X is a combination between psychology and physical
activities, so it needs brain and muscle to work together smoothly. Project-X is
actually a heritage from the second
world war, at the first time this was utilized by Nazi German and was adapted
by the British, furthermore until now US
continues to develop it. Project-X also was called a laboratory of
leadership, this is a best place to practice and learn about leadership for
every student. Beside we can train our leadership, furthermore Project-X test
our body strength and sharpness of
The second unique activity is the ADWAR, it is like a
multiple player war game which emphasizes Air Power Doctrine. Like a usual
game, this application is installed on several PCs and laptops which are connected
to each other. In this war gaming, each couple students will have different
task order such as; ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance),
Bomber, air lift, CSAR (Combat Search and Resque), Fighter, etc, but all of them
will connect with each other. All of task forces need to well coordinate with
each others for gaining air superiority and achieving all of objectives.
The last one is TR&IP, this is like research together
to solve a problem which was given to students. All Students will work as a
team and need to pick up one of topic such as; Artificial Intelligent, Space
Technology or Diversity in US Air Force). The most interesting from TR&IP
is the process when solve the problem was held step by step, and student will
be led to solve that indirectly. And the final result from each topics will be
presented to instructors in the end of SOS education program.
conclusion, SOS has some unique activities for its student during education
days such as; Project-X, ADWAR and TR&IP. All of them head students for
practicing and learning about leadership, because one of SOS education pillars
is about leadership. Captain is the future leader for Air Force, Leader with
good leadership will sustain USAF predicate as the greatest Air Force in the
world, now and forever.
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